Elderly Support

Tagsa works in four main ways to support people with dementia and other forms of memory loss:

Supporting individuals (stimulation, social contact, delaying decline, promoting wellbeing and activities)

Supporting families – respite, information, resources for learning about dementia.

Group work (social activities, specific activities to stimulate socialisation, memories and meaningful and fulfilling activities, promoting social inclusion and reducing isolation).

Awareness raising and promoting dementia friendly communities.

The Cuimhne project is in place to provide support for those who have had a diagnosis or a presumed diagnosis of dementia, along with their carers and families, to assist in providing flexible and proactive advice and information. We are keen that the project becomes a service that is responsive to individual's needs, and with this in mind, we have arranged a variety of events – “tea and reminiscence”, film screenings, gardening, sporting memories, lunch club and “Share a story”. These events have proved very beneficial to individuals and their families, with a chance to reminisce, share memories, assist with cognitive stimulation and provide mutual support.

It is our objective to provide a link for individuals and their carers/families that ensures they are accessing the appropriate services and gaining the support necessary to understand their condition and to manage their symptoms. It is a priority that we enable and support individuals, their partners, families and carers, to be fully informed and plan their own pathway; encouraging those living with dementia to maintain or regain community connections.

Engendering a Dementia friendly Community

We assist in facilitating workshops and training encouraging the wider Uist community to become dementia aware, thereby ensuring the islands become a dementia friendly community. We have information on Community activities, services, and facilities, that have proved to be dementia friendly. We also provide short-term respite care of one to four hours to allow family members and carers to have a break, go shopping, or just to have some “me-time”. Trained staff/volunteers assist in providing this for those service users who are in the early to mid- stages of dementia.


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